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Reasons why we should have courage in the pursuit of virtue

2 min • Digitized on February 1, 2022

From The Sinner’s Guide, page 482
By Venerable Louis of Granada

Section II.

Means of acquiring Courage.

Solomon had reason to exclaim: “Who shall find a valiant woman? Far and from the uttermost coasts is the price of her.” [Prov. xxxi. 10.] What, then, shall we do to acquire courage, which is of such importance and which is no less difficult than the other virtues?

We must first reflect upon the priceless merit of courage, for a quality which helps us acquire all virtues must be inestimable in value.

Men are chiefly driven from the practice of virtue by the difficulties it presents. “The slothful man saith: There is a lion in the way, and a lioness in the roads. The fool foldeth his hands together, and eateth his own flesh, saying: Better is a handful with rest than both hands full with labor and vexation of mind.” [Prov. xxvi. 13, and Eccles. iv. 5, 6.]

If, therefore, the obstacles to virtue discourage us and turn us from good, what is more necessary for us than courage? And who will regret any effort to acquire an aid which will strengthen him to conquer the kingdom of virtue, and, after it, the kingdom of Heaven? “From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent bear it away.” [St. Matt. xi. 12.]

Finally, courage conquers self-love, which gives place to the love of God, or rather to God Himself, “for he that abideth in charity abideth in God, and God in him.” [1 St. John iv. 16.]

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