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Dionysius the Areopagite testifying how he saw the sun darkened during the Crucifixion

1 min • Digitized on July 22, 2024

#Apologetics #Bible Commentary

From The Catena Aurea, in file "Catena Aurea - Luke", page 758
By St. Thomas Aquinas and the Fathers of the Church

Dionys. When we were both at Heliopolis together, we both saw at the same time in a marvellous manner the moon meeting the sun, (for it was not then the time of new moon,) and then again, from the ninth hour until evening supernaturally brought back to the edge of the sun’s diameter. Besides, we observed that this obscuration began from the east, and having reached as far as the sun’s western border at length returned, and that the loss and restoration of light took place not from the same side, but from opposite sides of the diameter. Such were the miraculous events of that time, and possible to Christ alone who is the cause of all things.

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