The seven Sacraments
19 min • May 29, 2024
God creates each one of us at conception in this life. There are three involved: a man, a woman, and God. When being born into the next life, three more are involved: the body, soul, and God.
Therefore, just as we are born in water into this life, we are born with water into the next life: when the body is washed with pure water, the soul is cleansed and purified from the principles of Adam, and forgiven of all wrongs committed in those principles.
The whole human tree mystically represents Adam. Before the flood, the corruption of doing things the wrong way reached its maximal conclusion, and almost the entire human race, except for eight, had become so corrupt that they had nothing left but evil hearts.
But after being cleansed by the Flood, Humanity was renewed, and was given a fighting chance at surviving with God’s help. The principles of Jesus and Adam still lived side by side on the Ark, and continue to coexist until the end of time.
The Epistle to the Hebrews fully explains that sprinkling with Blood in the Old Covenant is symbolic for the sprinkling in water that we receive to cleanse us, which is sufficient to be born spiritually.
When the man born blind in John 9 is told to go wash, the pool is called Siloam, which means Sent. When we are born into this world, we each are given gifts and talents to share with the world, and they result in a practical mission. When we are born into eternal life, we are given gifts and talents, and sent on a mission, which we must discern slowly and steadily and then fulfill it.
When the man born blind is given his sight, his mind and heart gradually open up to the truth, and he speaks it more boldly and clearly every moment than the last. Finally he is cast out of the tree of Adam for explicitly shattering their delusion of a paradise on earth. Then Jesus finds him and adopts him into his own family tree.
The four friends brought their paralyzed friend through the roof to be healed by Jesus. He looked at their faith and then forgave him. It was not his personal faith that caused Jesus to forgive him, but the faith of his friends.
The principle of Adam causes a person to prefer to do things the wrong way. They may choose to do things the right way, but it would be painful, and against what seems perfectly natural.
Character influences actions, and actions affect character. The more someone does wrong, the more it changes their character so that they don’t mind doing wrong, and prefer doing wrong over doing right.
A person is not born with the ability to be culpable, this is universally agreed on. But by the time they are 20, nobody doubts that they are now fully able to be culpable. At some point between these two ages, a person is able to be culpable.
If the principle of Adam within a person is not reversed by a birth into the principle of Jesus before this point, then it will compound more and more every day, week, month, and year. By the time they reach the age of reasonable culpability, their character is such that it’s only a matter of time until they willfully and knowingly do something seriously wrong.
God told Adam, if you do wrong, you will surely die on this day. There are two deaths involved in wrongdoing: the death of the soul, because living in a lie and delusion can never produce the truth; and the death of the body, because doing wrong, badly, and incorrectly can never produce right, good, and useful results.
Had Adam not eaten that day, he would have starved to death, and thus he was telling the spiritual and physical truth. But God had mercy on Adam and all his posterity. So God slaughtered a lamb to die in Adam’s place, gave him the skin as clothes, and gave him the meat for food. We are all always only a few hours away from dying.
Lambs do not live forever, so their meat can’t help us live forever. This is why we need to continually eat. It becomes so commonplace that we forget that it actually has any mystical signification.
But Jesus is the Lamb of God. Being divine in nature, he inherently lives forever. Being wholly innocent on earth due to his divinity, he inherently would have lived forever in the first life. But allowing his death to take the place of ours, he gave us his own Flesh and Blood as the Food and Drink of the new life.
Twice he shows us that he is able to multiply bread to feed the hungry, and he uses this to explain that he is able to multiply his physical presence in the Bread of Life filled with Living Water.
The only time Jesus is ever recorded as having lost followers is in John 6:66, which is after he explained that His Flesh is True Food and His Blood is True Drink. John is the same one who said that 666 is the number of the Beast.
When we are so absorbed in the earthly life of Adam’s principles and don’t mind doing wrong, and even get accustomed to living comfortably this way, the idea of eating the flesh of the Lamb of God is appalling.
Shortly after John 6:66 is when Jesus said Judas was a devil, and it was at the Last Supper that Satan entered into Judas and he betrayed the innocent Lamb of God definitively and fully.
When we are hungry, we become physically weak and fatigued until we eat. When we are spiritually hungry, we become spiritually weakened to temptations and fatigued by the trials and burdens inherent to this temporary life. We must eat regularly.
Some people have a more physically strenuous job, and need to eat more calories to maintain their strength. Some people have heavier crosses, and need to eat the Bread of Life more often, maybe even daily. But just as we have to eat every day, we must receive the Bread of Life at least once a week, or we will grow weak and faint.
Reaching Adulthood
When we are born, we aren’t even able to talk or sit up or feed ourselves, let alone walk. We slowly discover our physical talents and cultivate them until we reach the age of majority, and are able to go into the world and make a mark on the world with the gifts we were sent with.
This is also true when being born into the new life. We receive spiritual gifts and talents, but we are not aware of them yet. We must patiently discern them, and practice using them. The purpose of these gifts is also to help the spiritual world.
Many cultures have a ritual that mark a person’s entry into the age of majority, where they are now independent, no longer looked at as inferior but now an equal to all others in society. Sometimes it’s merely having an 18th birthday. Whatever the ritual is, it has a real affect on the person and on society.
The spiritual life must have such a ritual as well, to cause the person to become independent on the new family tree, to allow them to strike out on their own in the new life, and to indicate to society that they have this authority and permission.
When there is a society, there is a need for a government to maintain peace, order, and the common good. The government is made up of members of the society that represent and govern the whole society.
All forms of government seem to have been tried to some degree, except maybe one or two. God seems to want societies to learn through experimentation, just as he wants individuals to.
The first governments were Patriarchies. Governments were each smaller families on the greater family tree of Adam, and each managed their own growing family. Kings were literally kin.
In a reasonably small patriarchy, the grandfather deals with the biggest picture, the fathers each deal with their own families, and the older brothers act on the father’s behalf when he’s busy.
This order is reflected in modern governments: the king or president looks at the biggest picture, the governors act on a smaller scale, and mayors deal with the day to day on behalf of the governors.
In the same way, governors manage the new life on the family tree of Jesus, and they have since the time of the Apostles. Paul indicates that this line should be propagated through a laying on of hands.
In the government of Jesus, there are overseers, elders, and helpers. The overseer has full authority over all; the elder has full authority over his own flock; and the helper has limited authority, but is to be respected as if he were an elder.
Jesus, of course, sits at the top, and he only does the will of his Father. But being in heaven, he cannot sit on top of this government on earth in a definitive, clear, unambiguous, indisputable way.
While Adam was alive, he was King over all nations, although the nations all ruled themselves, and he certainly did not live alone. Peter recognizes the supreme authority of the Roman Emperor in the place of Adam. Therefore it’s reasonable that one overseer be responsible for all the others, to avoid chaos and to maintain unity.
Tithes are the taxes of this new government, and support the needs of the government officials. Nobody likes paying taxes, but it is a logistical necessity, and we have to trust that God will provide.
The warfare of this new government is against good and evil. As a king wages war and sends the grandfather, father, and older brothers into battle, so the overseers, elders, and helpers must always pray and fast.
Lords of ancient times distributed food, not money. Barter was the norm, as the most fundamental form of trading value for equal value. As we need food and clothes, and we have talents, and not all have access to the same resources, we barter simply to survive.
In the same way, the government officials of the new life distribute the Bread of Life to the society in exchange for the sacrifices and gifts we each bring to the Table of Life.
Justice System
Sometimes people cause harm to a society, either intentionally or by accident. To maintain peace in a society, a justice system must act to prevent this.
The first form of prevention is to lay out consequences. If a person steals, they will be fined or imprisoned or both. This allows people to work from more shallow motives until their character is such that they have more noble reasons to avoid doing wrong.
The second form of prevention is by averting chaos through punishment. When someone endures punishment for their wrongdoing, they are made an example to the rest of society. If punishment is withheld, and the law not enforced in general, then the first form of prevention is rendered useless, and chaos ensues.
The third form of prevention is by educating and rehabilitating those who do wrong. If they did wrong on purpose, then they should be educated on why this principle is not worthwhile. But if they did wrong by accident, they should be educated on what the law is, and how to avoid doing wrong in the future.
Law should not be so complicated that nobody understands it. If I were the devil, I would overcomplicate human laws so much that it becomes a weapon to use against others, a shield to hide one’s own malice behind, and an obstacle to human happiness to be utterly rejected and destroyed completely.
Justice in this life cannot ever create world peace, because it has no ability to help people do good or want to do good or be able to do good. At best, all it can do is help curb serious defects in societies that cause them to collapse from within or by invaders.
The justice system of the new life deals with our character, whereas the justice system of the world of Adam cannot know the heart, and can only deal with external effects.
In the internal battle between good and evil, we often lose. We become culpable for knowingly and intentionally doing something seriously wrong.
When this happens, we bring ourselves to the governors of this new life, and place ourselves on trial. We accuse ourselves to the Divine Tribunal, and the Just Judge finds us guilty. However, the Merciful Son shows his wounds to the Father, and says he has taken our punishment onto himself.
The earthly representative of this Tribunal then declares these heavenly events to us, and then we can go in peace. He gives us some divinely grace-infused tasks to help us restore our character to what it was and should have remained before we did wrong.
The family tree of Adam was given a divinely blessed method of continuing the human race. There is a mysterious character to this act, which reflects the union and bliss of the Eternal Family.
There are two steps to populating the next life. The first is to be born into the family tree of Adam, the first son of God, the second is to be born into the family tree of Jesus, the Second but Eternal Son of God.
Therefore, it’s still just as necessary that people are born into the family of Adam through marriage. So children need to continue to be born into the incorrect principles of Adam first.
But since Adam’s principles are inherently broken, even the principle of marriage will go from good to broken. This has happened very early in human history, with polygamy and prostitution becoming widespread very quickly.
The most extreme form of incorrectness with regards to marriage is not having children, which will quite literally destroy a society. It’s very likely that several societies were practically destroyed this way already, including all humanity before the Flood, and the kingdom of Egypt before the Exodus; and that God simply produced the logical conclusion of their actions a little ahead of schedule.
It must therefore be necessary to protect marriage from the corruption of the principles of Adam, by infusing it with the principles of Jesus, which is to say, doing the right thing, the right way, at all costs.
In other words, Jesus created a new kind of marriage, which is protected from these corruptions, and entrusted it to his new government. Just as a marriage is not recognized until the couple gets a certificate from the local authorized courthouse, a marriage within the new life is not endowed with special protection from corruption unless it is recognized by an authorized official of the new life’s government.
But it’s entirely possible that someone will be born into Adam but not born into Jesus. Or that they may abandon the family tree of Jesus, preferring that of Adam, and love wrongdoing more.
So there are two kinds of parenthood. The first is physically bringing children into the family tree of Adam, in hopes that they may one day enter the family tree of Jesus. But it’s not guaranteed.
The second way is a little more sure: the spiritual parenthood of praying and fasting in order to pay the price of one person’s transference from the family tree of Adam to that of Jesus.
This is a very real kind of parenthood, but it has been neglected for many, many years. Courageous men and valiant women used to live entire lives devoted to this practice, in order to populate heaven by their constantly offering the pure and holy sacrifices of their lives to God.
In this life, sometimes we get sick and even die from illness. But there are often medicines available to mitigate or prevent illness, disease, and death.
In the new life, the character of the heart is what matters, not the integrity of the body. So the sickness that truly matters long term is one of the heart and soul, since the loss of eternal life is infinitely greater than the loss of a temporary life.
Sickness of the body produces weakness and inability to do what’s required to maintain life and prevent death, such as eat and fight. Sickness of the soul similarly makes the soul weak against temptation to do wrong, and too fatigued to do right.
There are only two moments that matter in this life: now, and the moment of our death.
Now matters because it’s the only truly real moment. The past exists to explain our current reality, and is how we got our current character. The future exists as a potential time that may become now, having possible battles to fight and rewards to reap.
The moment of our death is the moment that our decision becomes final. All past decisions were a path leading to this one moment, this one definitive decision.
The man who first said he will not go but later went, is the one who did the will of his father. Anakin was redeemed by the end.
Therefore, in the current moment, we must work towards doing the right thing and avoiding the wrong thing, so that the final moment will not be as difficult as it may become.
And in that final moment, countless hordes of demons will swarm us to try to claim our souls, to make us forget everything and fall into a final and permanent despair.
It is best therefore to always ask for help both now and at the hour of our death.
Since falling sick is a universal experience, and in the new life it’s universal that we have a final temptation, a spiritual medicine was created in order to assist us with more confidence and remembrance of his goodness and all the truths he has revealed to us to lead us into eternal life.
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