
The Diary of Eve

5 min • June 1, 2024

The lost diary started by Eve, and added to by future generations.

Entry 1: We got so hungry. I never felt like that before we ate the forbidden fruit and Adam said he didn’t either. We were getting weaker and it really felt like I was going to die! But the creator killed an animal for us and gave us its skin as clothing. That helped the itching stop from the plant clothes we made. And then he gave us the meat as food, and the hunger went away! He saved us from the death we almost had!

Entry 2: Adam died! I don’t know what happened! He just started getting slower, and then he laid down, and he couldn’t keep his eyes open, and they finally shut, and he wouldn’t talk to me anymore! I was shaking him and shaking him and shaking him and he wouldn’t move! The sun is dying too and everything is getting so dark! God! I am getting slower and weaker too, I don’t understand! I thought God let the animal die so we wouldn’t have to, but it must not have been enough! God has abandoned us! I knew he would!

Entry 3: We are alive again!!! We rose from the dead! Adam rose first and he said I rose a little while after him! And the sun rose too!!! Thank you Creator for letting us rise again! Or maybe the dragon did it? He seemed to be on our side more than the creator was. He was so beautiful before the creator punished him, so enchanting and glorious… What did he do wrong anyway? I hope he healed from the punishment…

Entry 12: We have a new person! It doesn’t really make sense, but now he got here from me just like the creator said he would! Today he told me mom, if I was here when the dragon was here, I would have hit him with this rock and saved you and dad. How sweet! But I told him not to hurt my dragon like the creator said he would. The creator isn’t always right.

Entry 26: Now that we figured out how to tell where we are, and finished making a house out of broken trees, we made a plan to go out and explore, and come back. There were so many more fairies before we ate that fruit, and so many other magical creatures. I don’t know where they all went. I tell all my children about them. I’m hoping to find them, especially my dragon. Eve.

Entry 93: It was our 5th century family bonfire, and this time there were so many interesting stories from our little travelers! Some said they saw a place with upside-down trees! Others said they saw purple grass! A few said there was a glowing blue cave by the far water! I wish I hadn’t stayed home with Adam this year but had gone with them to see that cave, they said it was actually shimmering. Two said they saw a leviathan as big as Everest, and another said he found a behemoth deep in the deep forests and that it tried to attack him! What kind of creator makes monsters that kill? And still none of my people have found my beautiful dragon… Eve.

Entry 154: Enoch is gone. I was there, and I attest to what I am writing now. He was in his typical morning walk with God by the river in solitude. I joined him after a short while as per usual. We spoke of the virtues of faithfulness, patience, and perseverance today, and I was greatly edified, and told him so. And he told me he has no wisdom but what the Creator gave him, and redirected my gratitude toward Him, which I promptly obeyed. Then he began to glow. I cannot describe it adequately using any analogies from nature. He began to shine like the sun, yet without changing or being ignited to fire. His countenance suddenly gave a far greater impression, yet the same kind of impression. He turned and walked away, seemingly upward, and as he walked, he was not there anymore. I have related this at the latest family bonfire, but many did not believe me. Others believed, but they began to debate of what method he achieved this enlightenment, or how he was able to ascend. Zen was the most firmly opposed to my theory. He said that goodness does not and cannot cause physical changes in a person. He maintains that Enoch had secret wrongs like everyone else, and therefore must have died like Adam did before the first thousand years passed. I am not concerned that Zen will lead many others to his position, for they know his character very well. Job.

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