
Fittingness is known but misunderstood

3 min • June 20, 2024

Fittingness is something I barely understood until recently. But it’s prevalent in the Bible, in life, in mystical reality, and especially in the minds of women, religious or not.

Whenever Jesus did anything in the gospels, there was a surprising harmony of events and persons and places. There was almost an excessive level of symbolism that worked out so perfectly that it seemed far too great to be a coincidence.

For example, it was extremely fitting that the Messiah, beloved by all the people, should suddenly fulfill the prophesy on Palm Sunday, of entering Jerusalem the way he did, against the desires of the scribes and Pharisees, and against all odds.

Or it was harmoniously fitting that he should be wearing a purple robe, have a crown, and be given a staff, all on the day of his coronation on a Cross, since he is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

When something is so perfectly fitting, it’s a sign that God is with you, that you are doing God’s will, and that you are fulfilling something mystical and a necessary step towards paradise.

So when women want a wedding to be absolutely perfect, and have all the right symbolism, and the right colors, the right type of dress, the right location, the right decor, the right everything, it’s because they instinctively and intuitive understand the concept of fittingness.

It’s the same reason they focus on the aesthetic of clothing, what colors go together, what styles go together, what fabrics go together, what ought to be worn on what occasion and what ought not be worn. They understand that aesthetic is inherently an aspect of fittingness.

But what they don’t understand is that fittingness is a fruit of doing God’s will correctly. Jesus did not seek out palms and ask them to lay them before his feet. He did not ask for a crown or a reed or a purple robe.

He simply followed God’s will for himself, and the rest followed suit as being provided by God the Father, who lays out all the bricks in front of our feet at the moment we take each step forward.

Fittingness, when not sought after, and when it comes after virtue, humility, and obedience, is a sign that God is with you, that you are doing the right thing, and that you are paving the way to paradise for yourself and others.

We cannot create a paradise by doing our own will, by making sure everything is fitting and right according to our own judgment, and by putting our own bricks in front of our own feet. This is the mistake Eve made. This is why modern fashion goes in bizarre directions that seem fitting to a judgment that’s as unstable as the wind itself.

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