
God’s will and protection is in our duties

2 min • June 25, 2024

Pontius Pilate left the court to meet with the religious leaders who wanted to condemn Jesus. He should not have, and when he did, he left the boundaries of God’s will.

This is a way to tell God’s will. Going above and beyond our duties is not always noble and virtuous. In this case, he neglected and abandoned his regular duties, and gave higher place to those who would not enter the court of law, than to those who were there waiting.

If he had remained in, and waited for the religious leaders to come in, they may never have done so. And even if they had, Pilate would have had greater protection from God to do God’s will, since God’s protection of Pilate during his duties was in the regular course of his duties.

God will protect us while we fulfill our obligations. Pilate either wanted benefit from the religious leaders, or feared making them his enemy. If we fear others or want something from them, we will abandon our post, and God’s protection will not be with us.

But even while others promise us benefits or threaten us with punishments unless we do their will, God will protect us, and give us his grace, which is far better than all benefits in this life and is the source of all benefits in this life, and the loss of it is the greatest loss we could ever imagine, aside from God himself.

And even if it comes down to martyrdom, we will be able to remain with God until the end, as long as we don’t abandon him, since he will never abandon us.

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